Monday, January 11, 2010

Old Artwork

Senior year: I painted these pups during a 2010 summer workshop. I sorta wish I hadn't tried to do anything abstract with the bottom part of the cupcakes, but overall I like it! Acrylic and Sharpie sprinkles.

Junior year: would you believe me if I told you this project evolved from a depiction of my desire to go into medicine? Crazy the way inspiration will take you. Acrylic and charcoal.

Senior year: This was done in a workshop Mrs. Brisco took us to at the TRAHC center. Who doesn't love a good field trip? AND we got to work with pastels :) Pastel and charcoal

Junior year: Done on cardboard, painted with coffee and India ink!

Freshman year: Won a gold seal at VASE 2007, I was pretty pumped!! Acrylic on canvases.

Junior year: The first painting I did with a person in it! My friend Nick made fun of the boy in the picture (my brother), saying he looked like he'd been abused or something... Never mind him though. Inspiration: my friend had just gotten a tattoo and she went on and on about how much she loved it (months later she confessed to hating it, actually) and I started to think about how everyone has something permanently with them on the inside. Everything we say and do is forever with whoever we spoke to. Acrylic and colored pencil.

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