Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Summer Art:: Assignments 1&2 :)

  • 14"x 12"
  • I used the blue for the shadows because the icing on the cupcakes was white, and blue seemed to be the color most reflected in it. Yellow was used on the highlights of the icing. The sprinkles and cupcake holder (?) I chose to make pink because it kind of ties it to the background, where there are hints of pink. And then there is the brown table...
  • Shana and Tracy brought in some cupcakes during art lessons, and we were instructed to paint them. We used palette knives to paint the cake part of the cupcake, but then used paintbrushes for the rest of it.
  • I really like the way this turned out. I think that it needs something else in the background though, like more drawings of cupcakes or something. (Suggestions are welcome!)
  • I would give myself anywhere from an 82-87, for weakness in composition.
  • 15.5"x 12.5"
  • Done in charcoal, so no excuses there. I picked bright yellow because it fit my mood that day.
  • This is my self-portrait we did in art lessons. After mapping out the brightest spots on my face in pencil, I drew lightly with charcoal (or dark on the dark places of course), and then used an eraser to smudge it, instead of my finger.
  • I think it looks like I gave myself a skin disease or something... But also, I think it resembles me a little (?) and I feel like if I keep working at faces, I'll be able to conquer them. I intend to work on them lots before summer's out.
  • For a grade, I would give myself an 88-92. Just because it needs something else (I think), and because it is my first charcoal drawing... Again, something I'll need practice with.

1 comment:

  1. i like the cupcakes...
    1. nice colors
    2. nice composition.
    3. especially like the looseness of the background...choppy.
    4. would like to see you push some shadows below the cupcakes to show depth...the blues would also connect the object to the background.

    great start on the portrait:
    1. nice proportion
    2. i agree it needs something.
    3. consider mounting it on anothe page and getting a little creative with it...needs to be extended with some more drawing...must draw the eye in...consider bringing in another them like branches....or a pattern...you could stich this piece on to anothe piece of paper....once you work on it take another photo and post it...remember that you have a picture now so feel free to risktake......have fun...can't wait to see the next piece.
