Saturday, July 25, 2009

Summer Art:: Assignments 3 & 4 (....coming soon!!)

  • Size: 14" x 17"
  • Use of color: I chose red and green because they are compliments of each other, and purple and blue kept the piece from looking to bright--dulled it down I think.
  • Description: This is a take off from the interior-space-w/-3D-forms assignment. For some reason, I thought it'd be cool if I twisted the image and made it like a time portal... Which brought on the Latin phrase "Tempus fugit," which roughly means "Time flies". This made me think of the song "Fly Like An Eagle" by Steve Miller Band, so I featured some of its lyrics in the centered wall space. In the sea green cabinets are clocks, and behind the purple door, I tried to create a visual melody of foliage you might see behind an actual door....(Epic fail.)
  • Opinion: I feel (as usual) like I could/should have done more with this piece, but I think my idea was fairly innovative (for me at least), and could be turned into something cool.
  • Grade: 82.... I didn't do enough with it. Suggestions?? If need be, I'll paint over it and begin again :)

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