Monday, August 24, 2009

Statement of Intent for AP Art

I feel that AP Art will prepare me for the real world and college more than anything else because it will require me to be more responsible with the frequent deadlines and to be more creative than any of the other classes on my schedule. Also, the class demands that I be dedicated to the subject, so I would like to see my interest in art reflected in my work. I expect the rigorous coursework to help rekindle my dedication to art, because I love imagining something and putting it onto paper in a way that is appealing to the eye. Many people can’t, or won’t try to express themselves this way, and I would like to see myself grow as an artist, so that I might continue this hobby throughout my life. Do I expect to go on and make a profession out of art? No. But I do see art being an outlet for the stress from the line of work I do choose to make a career out of. In a way, it helps me do that now. Everything slows down, and hours can go by without me noticing when I’m painting or drawing. I only wish all of my homework was this calm inducing. I understand that this course will not be a cakewalk by any means. I am fully aware of the fact that my approach to it will ultimately determine how much I achieve in AP Art. I have often heard that if you spend the same amount of time on a subject at home as you do in school, that you can do extremely well. Aside from trying to work diligently every day in class, I plan to spend as much time as I can spare outside of school on art. I am anxious to begin this journey with the few number of my classmates willing to step up to the plate with me.

1 comment:

  1. Claire,
    I love it frequently to remind yourself why you are doing it.
    Don't forget to bring your topics by to me...I can read them at home and have them on Wed for you.
    Mrs. B
