Thursday, August 27, 2009

Top Ten Topic Sentences for Concentration.

My concentration deals with odd places to find a filing cabinet (or drawers… whatever they’re called) with an emphasis on the unexpected.

My concentration will tell the story of a person’s struggle to achieve success with an emphasis on what fueled them to keep going and the people who aided them in reaching their goals.

My concentration shows people going into vents, up ladders, on playhouses, coming out of drawers, etc. on a search for something.

My concentration focuses on people’s willingness to accept the world and those who run it without much question as to how they got there.

My concentration demonstrates two people’s struggle to stay connected even thought they are far apart.

My concentration illustrates our dependence on the convenience of things, emphasizing on how much is so readily available these days.

My concentration recycles the notions of plumbers and doctors’ house visits by incorporating tool boxes stuffed with not tools, but a set of supplies vital to the completion of another task.

My concentration focuses on the numerous ways toilets are involved in our daily lives, with an emphasis on comical situations.

My concentration delves on things from carnivals—be it people or rides—that are out of place or juxtaposed against something.

My concentration is on the many things streetlights give us aside from light only.

1 comment:

  1. 1. I do not get this one.
    2. This is too big picture....I can't see creative work in this...only strait forward illustrations.
    3.I actually like this one but wish you could give it a more "unique" edge...I am sure there are other concentrations like it....can you tie it to something more abstract...are you wanting to do you feel confident in that...I also think you should think about surfaces....compositon shapes...etc..
    4. How to you show this visually.
    4.How do you do this?? Big picture
    5.Connected to what...could this be tied with number a person on each end of would deal with 2 figures in each piece...challenging...maybe you could cut the spaces out physically of the paper or negative is yours going to be different. figure which is fine but I don't fully get the not being prepared?
    7.really...i am not sure how we use them in different you have 12 and is something really you would want to do?
    8.can't do it because you need to be able to take references.
    9.are there 12 things...can you make a list?

    I will need for you to call me and discuss this so that you can do the next portion for class.....give yourself some time so don't wait until late.
